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ACD Unveils New Rules, Blueprint for The Court
Members of the Court Users Committee

On Tuesday April 5, 2022, the Anti-Corruption Division (ACD) held its quarterly Court Users Committee meeting where the Court unveiled its Case Management Rules to stakeholders.

In his communication to stakeholders who assembled at the Court, the head of the Division, Hon. Justice Lawrence Gidudu informed them that the ACD case Management Rules 2021 had been gazetted.

Copies of the same were distributed to the court users to help them internalize them. The Judge said the Court was going to follow the Rules whose objective of the Rules is to establish and lay down principles for an orderly, expeditious, efficient, and cost-effective manner of handling cases before the Court. "The key timelines in the Case Management Rules will enable the court to manage backlog by taking action on stalled trials," he said.

The Judge said they are planning are treat for stakeholders to internalize the Rules and also discuss case management and asset management in general.

He added that case backlog reduction was on the Court's agenda aimed at flashing out old cases within a year. 

Further, Hon. Justice Gidudu called for stakeholders' support in documenting 12 years of ACD achievements and challenges. Money recovered, funds un recovered, convictions made, plus other orders.

On the issue of open days, the Judge said they would explore ways of "holding our open days by engaging the people affected by corruption." He emphasized that civil society organizations are key in linking the Court to the community.

He also informed members that the Court had since transitioned to the Electronic Court Case Management System (ECCMIS). Adding that he has requested the Court’s ECCMIS team to draft a manual on what steps to follow to make it easy for everyone to use.

Brig Gen Henry Isoke, the new head of the State House Anti-Corruption Unit, Brig Gen Henry Isoke, attended the meeting, a first for him since his appointment to the position. He commended the Court for putting in place Anti-Corruption Case Management Rules 2021describing it as a landmark. He pledged to fully participate in the upcoming retreat.

Hon. Lady Justice Margaret Tibulya emphasized the need for training for both prosecutors and judicial officers in cases that involve asset management. 

As of 31st March 2022, the caseload at ACD stood at 239 cases.

Notably present at the meeting were Hon.Lady Justice Jane Okuo, HW Pamela Lamunu (Deputy Registrar ACD), Magistrates from ACD Magistrates Court and Mr Andrew Khaukha (Technical Advisor Judiciary). The others included Ms Joyce Ngaiza, Ms Josephine Namatovu (Assistant DPP) as well as representatives from the different prosecutorial agencies. 

Posted 5th, April 2022
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